Harro everynyan! How are you? Fine, thank you.

It's me again, writing because things are happening in this kitty's life!

I've been diving deep into topics I really enjoy, i.e. home lab building and more base tinkering, such as the air quality scanner I am building for a loved one right now. It's been helping me stay sane in times of struggle, but.. that's none of your damn business!

Beyond this, I've been getting really curious about an operating system, which seems very different to anything I've seen before... NixOS! While I'm not exactly software-smart, this seems like an extremely tempting OS to switch to, especially the lack of a billion different config files! ...Also it makes me feel superior to Arch users, which is always a plus.

While there are certainly other things I could write about, I don't exactly feel like giving out compromising information about my person. Nor should you, up your OpSec, you don't owe anyone private or sensitive data when you're not in court! Tl;dr: STFU!

Now, after that very short PSA, it's time to say goodbye for today. I hope whomever comes upon this has a beautiful day, see you in the next entry!